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Our first responsibility is to our customers - without them, we don't have a business. We stand behind our belief that business comes where it is invited and stays where it is treated well.

Our MGA is based on a Career Brokerage system. The brokers are full time Career entrepreneurs with agency support.

Present Atmosphere and Strength:

  • We believe in professional development of our brokers.
  • 90% of our brokers are university graduates.
  • Our brokers have a higher than average income compared to other brokerage agencies.
  • We have a high level of morale and pride of being associated with FSE Financial Group.
  • We help build your career in the financial service industry.

Goals and Objectives of our Brokerage Agency

  1. broker's growth and career development is of prime importance
  2. provide support to brokers through competent management and support staff
  3. to continue an open and honest relationship among members of the agency
  4. to enhance quality and steady growth of the agency through training and productivity
  5. to continue to encourage brokers to complete industry training programs such as CFP, CLU, RHU etc.
  6. to maintain high broker productivity
  7. to continue to adhere to brokers code of ethics
  8. establish a multicultural brokerage agency to penetrate different ethnic communities and independent producer groups.
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